After my group and I recorded we each had a section to alter. We recorded every one of the scenes on my telephone. Paige sent every one of the scenes to Ella, Eva, and I. We each download the film to alter. Paige was in control to ensure we have enough clasps for the film. Not too much or too little. A few scenes we shot we didn't utilize. Yet, it's OK since it coordinated up to our storyboard. Eva did the changes. She caused sure the situations weren't rough and made it look great. Ella added the titles to the film. She added text boxes and put the completion words on the film. Like coordinated by and the creation organization. I went over the entire film and offered the remarks that should have been fixed. He ensured the film agreed with our points and developments. We as a whole had a job and achieved it well. We got into no contentions and did all that we should do. We showed others our film to ensure it was well altered. After that we watched it once again...