research blog (music video)

 The song we chose is a pop song written by Taylor Swift, it was released in 2009. The song is a love story about a type of out-of-reach love. In the original music video it shows an average girl comparing herself to a more popular girl. She realizes that the guy she likes deserves a lot better than the popular girl and believes she can appreciate and care for him more. Through-out the song even though she is naming all the materialistic differences between them, she always comes back to the fact that her, the "average" girl will always understand him more. The music video has a girl-next-door type of vibe,  you like this guy who you have for your whole life, and you know him better than she does but somehow the popular girl gets the guy every time. We want our video do give off the same message but in a way that makes it our own. We feel like this song is really relatable and helps people realize that you don't need to popular to get the guy. For anyone that hasn't seen the original video it has people acting as teenagers, set in a small town. It shows certain events leading up to their prom but to add a twist the girl that is narrating the song ends up going with the guy she likes. So it also has a happy ending plot twist to it. This would surprise people if they only listened and watched the first part of the song and video. So we plan on adding an element like that to our music video but in a different way. We're hoping to shed light on the fact that not everything should be based off of your social status or how you look. Also the message that even if you're not the "popular" person doesn't mean your less of a person and to always go after what you want. 


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