Genre research: Horror

In this beginning of the school year we did a media project on genres. We had to pick a certain genre and talk about it. We had to discuss all the elements that commonly occurred in the genre. This included things like characters, situations, settings, props, themes, and events. We had to find the common angles, movements, and sounds in our genre. I chose the horror genre. I chose this because it was the easiest genre to research. I also love watching horror films. The common lighting in this genre is up lighting. The common angles in the horror genre is birds eye/ high angle. As well as close up and tracking. I believe that these angles help make the film more suspenseful. I said that the common movements in this genre were zoom, panning shot, jump cut, handheld camera shot, and tracking shot. I also stated in the power point the elements I liked and disliked. I like the horror genre because its very suspenseful and have you surprised. It makes the film more interesting to watch because we don't know what's going to happen next. The elements I didn't like was how people can spoil the film. This can ruin the whole film for some people because that's what they are looking forward too. Overall I think the horror genre is a great genre. Not only is it interesting but its also easy to film.



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