genre research blog 3- suspense

In suspense the camera movements are very important. Tilt is a very important camera movement in suspense. It shows the emotions in the film, by creating a questioning emotion through the screen. This allows the audience to feel the suspense from the film and the characters. Another camera movement used in a suspense film is zooming in. This shows the emotions of a character, which can create suspense for the viewer. Lighting is also important in a suspense film. Low-key lighting creates a dark tone that may make the audience concerned of what may happen. Camera angles often used in suspense are over the shoulder and close up shots. The over the shoulder angle creates a tension in the film, it makes the audience aware of what is happening to both characters. This will increase the suspense of the film for the audience. Close up shows all of the emotions the characters are feeling which may make the audience more concerned for what may happen. The elements of suspense are, emotions, worries, conflict, and high stakes. This all creates tension that will make the audience concerned for what may happen later in the film, or the outcome to something. Non-diegetic sound is used to increase the suspense of a film. It will make the audience concerned of what may be coming, it increases the questions in their head. Some examples of suspense films are, baby driver and the quiet place. These are both great examples of suspense films. Baby driver creates suspense in the camera angles and speed of the film. While the quiet place creates suspense in the lack of sound and excitement. It uses slow paced angles to grab the audience's attention. Elements we do not like in suspense are the camera movements. It is easy to decide what camera movement is best for a scene but in a suspense film there are many options, so it may be hard to decide what is best.  Elements we like in suspense films are the sounds and camera angles. There are a lot of options in suspense when it comes to these two elements. There are multiple different camera angles to make a film suspenseful. There are also many different sounds available to grab the audience's attention. 


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