
Showing posts from January, 2021

AICE media studies music video (You belong with me)

This is me and my groups music video. This project took a lot more time and effort than any of our other projects that we had to do. It took a lot of planning and editing to make it turn out the way it did. Working in a group was a great idea because we were able to split the work to make it easier and so each of us could provide ideas for the project. The filming was fun but probably the easiest part since we had planned it all out before. We made sure before that we had all the props and filming settings we needed before we started filming. The song we chose made it was easier to figure out what we were going to film since we were all familiar with it. After we were done filming and editing Paige realized we still had to add more to it because it wasn't long enough. We made sure we had everything we needed to film and edit so that it would work out perfectly. Working together as a group worked out really well and we were able to do the project the best we could. I believe we did


  For my music video project, Im going to be working with a group. The people that i'm going to be  working with are a couple of my friends and I work well with them. I decided to join them because we are all good at working together and I know they will cooperate and complete they're assigned work. I go with the flow so I wasn't worried about what song we were going to choose but they all like the same music so it wasn't difficult for us to pick a song for the project. We chose the song You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. This song is school appropriate and id say it would be a fun song to do a music video on. I was never a big fan of Taylor Swift but she seems like a great singer and the music video didn't seem boring. What's good is that it isn't going to be a hard time to meet with my group members because we all live in the same neighborhood which will work out well for the filming part of the music video. We've all been friends for a while now so t


  The filming process for our project is definitely going to take more than one day. Also since it's a group project we needed to figure out times that would work for all of us. We wanted to make the message in our video very clear and simple. So we started to find the best time to film our video because we needed to find the perfect lighting since some of it was going to be outside. We wanted the production to go as smoothly as possible so that's why we followed our storyboard to layout when and where we were going to do each scene. We tried to do each scene in order to make it easier when importing and editing the scenes together. It was also necessary to make sure we had all the right props and costumes for the video before we started filming. We didn't need to purchase anything, we were just able to use the items we had already had. We made sure to split scenes evenly throughout all of us so it wasn't just mainly one person. We also all got the chance to film.


  The editing process for our music video was a bit easier for us since we have now all had experience editing a video. It wasn't the easiest thing to do as a group though because it's more of a one-person job but we all gave our input. Putting the clips together was easy because we had a set plan from the beginning. This also allowed us to have an image of what our video was already going to look like. We didn't want to put too much editing effects on it because we wanted it to look like a real music video. Which are typically more like a movie-style with simple transitions. We decided to edit it on iMovie which made it easy cause we have all used it before. All we had to do is import all the clips shot on one of our iPhones, once we imported them we put them all in the right order and it finally started to look like a real music video. We also added a title scene and credits at the end. Adding the song over the video was a little bit challenging because of copyright issue

filming and editing blog

  Once all of the filming and editing was done we had to make sure to rewatch the whole video and find any mistakes we made or anything we needed to add. There were a few but not that many so it was easy to fix. We also realized our video wasn't long enough and needed more clips so we added a few clips that were easy to shot. It took over a span of a week to complete the whole filming and editing process just due to the different backgrounds we needed for scenes and also splitting the editing, to divide the work evenly throughout the whole group. The editing was mostly a one-person job but we all imputed on what should be added or taken away. Due to copyright reasons, we weren't able to put it on youtube. For the most part, our group got along and worked good together. Most writing and blogs we had to do by ourselves so it was mostly just the filming we had to come together for. It all worked out in the end and I believe we used what we had to our best advantage and the music v