filming and editing blog

 Once all of the filming and editing was done we had to make sure to rewatch the whole video and find any mistakes we made or anything we needed to add. There were a few but not that many so it was easy to fix. We also realized our video wasn't long enough and needed more clips so we added a few clips that were easy to shot. It took over a span of a week to complete the whole filming and editing process just due to the different backgrounds we needed for scenes and also splitting the editing, to divide the work evenly throughout the whole group. The editing was mostly a one-person job but we all imputed on what should be added or taken away. Due to copyright reasons, we weren't able to put it on youtube. For the most part, our group got along and worked good together. Most writing and blogs we had to do by ourselves so it was mostly just the filming we had to come together for. It all worked out in the end and I believe we used what we had to our best advantage and the music video came out as good as it could.


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