AICE media studies music video (You belong with me)

This is me and my groups music video. This project took a lot more time and effort than any of our other projects that we had to do. It took a lot of planning and editing to make it turn out the way it did. Working in a group was a great idea because we were able to split the work to make it easier and so each of us could provide ideas for the project. The filming was fun but probably the easiest part since we had planned it all out before. We made sure before that we had all the props and filming settings we needed before we started filming. The song we chose made it was easier to figure out what we were going to film since we were all familiar with it. After we were done filming and editing Paige realized we still had to add more to it because it wasn't long enough. We made sure we had everything we needed to film and edit so that it would work out perfectly. Working together as a group worked out really well and we were able to do the project the best we could. I believe we did a great job with how we filmed and how we worked on it. Everyone participated greatly and made the best of what we had. Filming this video was a pretty fun experience and I had a great time working with my partners.


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