genre decision blog

 My group members and I decided to do the horror genre for our opening sequence. Not only because it would be easier to film but because its very interesting. I feel like we would enjoy making the film if it was horror. We also filmed a music video together and that music video has similar camera angles and movements like the horror genre. We came to this conclusion as a group. We didn't have any disagreements because most of us like horror films. We also wanted to film something that has suspense. We want to keep the audience on their toes. And we feel like the horror genre is the best genre for that. Horror is also the most popular genre. This is because this genre impacts the audience the most. It also has the most interaction with the audience. The horror genre is also the most talked about genre. Many people debate on horror films and it becomes a world wide topic. We want our film to be like that. We want the audience to be surprised and scared. We want to make our film very suspenseful. We are going to make sure to throw curve balls at the audience. We want them to expect the un expected. I think choosing the horror genre is the best for our group because we will enjoy the process of making our film.


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