genre research: drama & thriller

Drama is another genre me and my group are interested in. The drama genre keeps us entertained. The drama keeps the characters in the dark. But keeps the viewers in the light and brings us, the audience, a world of insight and assurance. Even if we watch a disaster, we believe like we live more deeply through a character's heightened interactions, because not only is time compressed, but action and sense happen concurrently. The common lighting in this genre is low key lighting. The angles in the drama genre consist of wide angle, long shot, close up, extreme close up, two-shot, and over the shoulder. Also seen in this video is the common camera movements. The most common  mis-en-scenes are décor, lighting, costumes and makeup. Overall, we like how the drama genre is more enhanced. 

The last genre is thriller. Thriller is very well liked because of the suspense and mystery. Thrillers are dark and engrossing plot driven stories. They can also include comedic elements. The genre thriller can generate excitement, suspense and exhilaration because the scenes are made to keep the audience interested. The common angles in this genre is high angle and low angle. The movement angles in this genre consist of crane and in the thriller genre the main mis-en-scenes is acting and costumes. The main reason we like this genre is because of terror and suspense. The reason we dislike this genre is because it gives us anxiety. This genre is similar to horror, but we prefer horror over thriller.


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