genre research: Emelie

 The movie Emelie has many elements that the horror genre consist of. This movie caught our eye because these elements will be used in our final project. This movie was very suspenseful. This movie kept the audience on their toes the whole time. We will make sure to have a lot of suspense in our film. We will do this by adding the element of surprise. In Emelie, the babysitter was very suspicious and someone was kidnapped in the beginning of the movie. This scene threw off the audience. They also had them surprised. We will be doing this in our film. We will have someone suspicious in our film to make the audience intrigued. The elements we liked in this film was suspense and terror. This is because it made the movie more interesting. In this movie, we didn’t know what was going to happen next. They use dark lighting and sounds to make the movie more scary. That made the movie even better. It made us want to include this into our film. The one element that did not appeal to us was fear. This is because we hate the feeling of disappointment. We didn’t want to see our favorite characters die.


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