Starting the final task

 Hi I'm Daniel Shabani-Chatuel, I go to Fort Lauderdale High School i'm 16 years old and i'm a sophomore. The people that I will be working with on the project are Eva, Ella, and Paige. I chose this group because we are all friends and we've known each other for years now. I have actually worked with them on all of our other group projects and we had a great time completing them. We make a great team and we work pretty hard. Each person is creative in they're own way and that's why our group is so significant. Since we are all friends it is easy to go to each other's house to film and plan without feeling uncomfortable. We all stay in touch so it wouldn't be hard to reach one another. I believe we might face a couple challenges but we work great at figuring things out. Everyone mostly agrees on the same things and we don't have much disagreements.  Everyone does they're part when they need too. We help and communicate with each other when one needs help. Everyone is very organized and keeps track of the work that they have finished. We might face a few challenges but we will over come them. I believe this project is going to turn out fantastic.


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