title research: watch the titles website

  This website was very intriguing since all the options you could look into had their own title designs. This site had a lot of different films, TV shows, and video game title designs you could look at and read about. There was quite a few that were extremely good and you could tell how much work was put into them. Reading about the backgrounds of the designs was more interesting than I thought and I feel really prepared my group for the making of our own. There was a whole section of interview's from the popular and award winning title's/ designers. There is also a section called the Student Projects. You can send in your own work and title designs into the student projects section. You can also look into submissions from other students world-wide. The student designs looked legit and just shows you anyone can do it with the time and dedication. I feel like the student section is a really good example for our class to look into since we will be making title designs of our own. 



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