genre research blog 1

 The three genres we would like to research is the horror genre, thriller genre, and drama genre. We want to research these because I believe these genres will best fit our film. The main genre I would like do is the horror film. This is because its very popular. Many people enjoy watching horror films because its interesting and fun to watch. We also did this genre last year so we are familiar with it. Our film is supposed to be suspenseful and give the audience anxiety while watching it. Its supposed to shock them and create fear. In our pitch it talks about the how a person is getting followed. This should make the audience in fear and create tension. Another genre we would like to research is thriller. This is very similar to the horror genre. This genre are defined by moods they elicit. They give the audience heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation and anxiety. It focuses mainly on generating suspense and that's what our film is about. Our film would be suspenseful to the audience which would be good for both the horror and thriller genre. The last genre we would research is the drama genre. We want to research this genre because they create expectations and a specific emotional development. In our film we use a emotional experience that can affect the view of the audience. Our pitch can go with all of these genres but the horror genre is the best fit.


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