genre research blog 4

 The common lighting used in horror films are:

- Uplighting




-Harsh Light

-Prominent and projected shadows

The common angles found in horror films are:

-Low angels

-Close up

-Tracking or Panning shot


-Birds eye/high angel

-Titled angel

The common movements in horror genre films are:

-Jump scares


-Nonlinear and Infrasound's

-Mirrors and Reflections

Typical Mise-En-Scene:

A dark, rural location, where no one is usually around. An abandoned house that creates a mystery and fearful suspicion.

Common sounds are: 

-Low-frequency sounds 


Examples of films in the horror genre:



-The exorcist 

In the horror genre the aspects I enjoy are the creative use of all the different lighting and angels that create such a suspense and fear. I like how different and unexpected the plot can be and it never has just one story line.

Some of the elements in the horror genre that I don't like are the usual loud sounds and noises. I know it builds suspense and add fear but  the noises are usually really loud and annoying in my opinion. But they do scare me so they get their job done.


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