production blog (reflecting and revising film)

Reflecting and raising over our film was very helpful. It allowed me to realize what went well in the film and what could have been done better. We used lots of camera angle shots. The over the shoulder, high angle shot, low angle shot, the tracking shot, wide shot, and even the tilt shot. We had a great job with the way the recording went. There was lots of communication throughout our group. We all participated equally and well. Everyone made sure something had to be done. The scripted could have been written better. Time managing could've been better so we could have been done a bit quicker. Setting up an availability schedule every week for every member would have helped with days to film. Adding more scenarios to the film could've been a lot more interesting for the viewers. We could have made some scenes a bit longer. During the party scene we did a great job with making the party realistic. The acting was decently good coming from the girls. Each person fit well with the character they acted as. The film went smoothly. There was no hesitatingly during the acting. The edits for the film could have been a bit better. Also the songs that were chosen for the film matched the scenarios. 


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