production blog (Social media)

 We made an instagram account, Facebook account, a YouTube channel and also a twitter account. Many young men and woman use instagram as they're main social media platform. Facebook nowadays is used but much older people. Twitter for instance has a wide spread of both which is why we decided to use all three social media accounts to spread out movie film. In addition to that we also created a YouTube channel to link our final film product to it. All social media platforms are updated about our film and its release date. We have different posts and captions about our film. It allows us to have different people from a wide spread of ages. This allows many people to view the video. We were able to post on instagram and Facebook which lets the viewers have an understanding about what our film is going to be like. We tweeted different photos on Twitter in the making of our film. We made sure to try and keep updating all accounts for those that use either one of those accounts. The YouTube channel created came in handy for the submission. It was able to submit the work we did as a group. Posting on all platforms was a great way to promote our film. Promoting it helps us get more attraction. It was able to attract people to view our movie film. Having these accounts helped out a lot. It helped us gain more views and thoughts on our film. Many people enjoyed and kept up with our updated social media accounts. 


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