
Showing posts from January, 2022

final product



production blog (websites)

Making a website was the next step in a filming endeavor! Making this was fun because I'd never developed a website before. However, this meant it was a little more difficult. At initially, I had a lot of problems. It took me around two days to complete this. To create it, I utilized the website It wouldn't allow me choose a website design format when I first started. It would keep reloading indefinitely. It took a day for this to load. After it had loaded, I began to choose which website outline I wanted. I choose the option that allows you to publish blogs. As a result, every piece of information we needed to provide was scattered around the building. We needed to build a social media, which is discussed on other blogs. These were linked at the bottom of our website. At the top of our website, I included a picture of a convenience shop. Also with our short film's title. Then I added a blog to the website that described our film and what it was about. Under it, I

production blog (reflecting and revising film)

Reflecting and raising over our film was very helpful. It allowed me to realize what went well in the film and what could have been done better. We used lots of camera angle shots. The over the shoulder, high angle shot, low angle shot, the tracking shot, wide shot, and even the tilt shot. We had a great job with the way the recording went. There was lots of communication throughout our group. We all participated equally and well. Everyone made sure something had to be done. The scripted could have been written better. Time managing could've been better so we could have been done a bit quicker. Setting up an availability schedule every week for every member would have helped with days to film. Adding more scenarios to the film could've been a lot more interesting for the viewers. We could have made some scenes a bit longer. During the party scene we did a great job with making the party realistic. The acting was decently good coming from the girls. Each person fit well with the

production blog (film2)

During the second part of our film we all met up at evas house to film. I first recorded the part of them getting ready for the party. It took a while due to some traffic on the way there. As soon as they got changed for the scene, we started. I messed up some parts of the recording but we ended up cutting part of the film. I changed into a casual outfit for my part. Lucas recorded me in the distance while I was playing cup pong. It was hard for me to be on point with the shots because the game is hard. I managed to get my my parts of the scene done so I began to record the rest of scenes. I got different angles of everyone dancing at the party scene and Eva recorded me as well. This took us a couple tries because everyone was laughing and couldn't take it seriously. We recorded all this at night at about 8:30pm since we had to make sure it was dark out. We had to finish the rest of the scenes at the party another day which was a much better day for all of us. I made sure we had th

production blog (health and safety)

Whether built by large-budget production firms or smaller organizations, film sets are usually packed of potential hazards. Health and safety should be included into production even before the cameras start rolling, regardless of the size of the team or the number of locations you'll be in. There are a few film production safety rules that every crew should follow to ensure a successful shoot, from doing a risk assessment to dealing with weather conditions. It goes without saying that the key to success in any facet of filmmaking is preparation. As a result, when it comes to film set safety, it shouldn't be any different. This is why, while filming, we made sure to be safe. We wore masks while we were with other folks.both on and off camera When we were filming, we made sure to keep a safe distance from passers-by. We were also being watched while filming at night. We utilized a fake knife instead of a real one for the killing scenario. This was done to ensure that no one was i

production blog (my role)


production blog (postal card)

  Hi again, this step in our process of this project was pretty  easy. We needed to make an advertising post card of our film.  This post card had a front and back. We needed to make it  look appealing so people would want to come watch our film I did this by adding a dark and mysterious pictures. I used a  red font on the front of the post card. I also used the words  "Coming soon" under the title to show that the film hasn't  been out yet but its going to be. On the back of the post card put more information. I put the showtime dates and what time  its airing. I chose three dates. I also provided the social  media platform names. For YouTube, Instagram, twitter, and  Facebook I used the same username. The username for each  of these social medias were called  @Officalconviencestoremovie. This was easier because I  could just copy and paste it. It was also easier for my group  and I to remember when doing the social medias. I also  added social media stickers to each one

production blog (Social media)

 We made an instagram account, Facebook account, a YouTube channel and also a twitter account. Many young men and woman use instagram as they're main social media platform. Facebook nowadays is used but much older people. Twitter for instance has a wide spread of both which is why we decided to use all three social media accounts to spread out movie film. In addition to that we also created a YouTube channel to link our final film product to it. All social media platforms are updated about our film and its release date. We have different posts and captions about our film. It allows us to have different people from a wide spread of ages. This allows many people to view the video. We were able to post on instagram and Facebook which lets the viewers have an understanding about what our film is going to be like. We tweeted different photos on Twitter in the making of our film. We made sure to try and keep updating all accounts for those that use either one of those accounts. The YouTu

production blog (permissions)

 For our film we had to make sure we were allowed to film somewhere nice. For the convenience store Eva ask if we could film at her old job. The manager agreed to letting us film. It worked out well for some of the scenarios. We were able to close the store for about 30 to 40 minutes. The manager let us use it as long as we needed it for. For the party scene I had to ask permission from a couple friends for they're house. It was difficult because they all did think it would be a good idea. No one was in town nor was able to have people over. I managed to as permission from my parents and let us film at my house fora couple hours a day; for two days with parent supervision. This allowed us to complete most of our film. For the killing scene it had to be dark. We had to ask our parents if we could stay out later since it was late and sketchy. We had a couple scenes that had to be done at night as well. For the party scene we asked permission from some friends if it was cool to film t

production blog (film 3)

On the 12th of January, we continued to film. It began to get darker which was ideal for the following scenes. These were the scenes from the party. We had to persuade a few friends to participate in our video. Lucas recorded me and Eva leaving to go somewhere in the next scene. For this scenario, we employed a tracking shot. The following scenes were Me tracking shots. I add a line of conversation to inquire about Eva's whereabouts. We changed the setting to outside after this scene was captured. I took a video of Paige shaking outside. This was due to the fact that Paige noticed the call and immediately dialed Eva's number. This was captured on film, and a close-up photo was taken. We wanted to increase the suspense in the remaining moments, so we added more views and camera angles. The next scene shows Eva filming Paige being kidnapped and bound in a car. For this scene to look genuine, we had to reshoot it several times. We couldn't stop giggling and making sure we were

production blog (editing)

Editing our film was too hard. It was a bit frustrating but we managed as a team. I was a bit confused with some tactics Paige used while editing some scenarios. Editing took about a couple hours to get done. We edited it all at my house since most of the movie was done there. We added sound effects to the scary parts of the scenes. There was a bit of music playing during some parts of the film that we added into it. When we were editing we made sure to have 5 minutes worth of film done. We used iMovie to edit our film. We believed it would be best and the most affordable app. I used this editing app in the past and it finished the job. This app gave us options to cut a recording at a certain second. It helped because there were a few parts that we messed up on that had to be fixed. It gave options to add any music that needed to be placed in the movie film. It was extremely easy to understand once it was done. Every gave different ideas about what should be added into the edits. It wa

Production blog(film1)

As the start of our film, everything went well; we headed to the beach and began filming. I began to record the start of the film. I used many different camera angles side as the over the shoulder camera shot and wide angle shot. It was a bit frustrating trying to get the correct angles. I managed to understand the best ways for the camera shots. When I was recording the scene at the convenience store with the weird man in the cash register, (Lucas) complementing Paige and Eva I had to make sure I was making the camera shots very steady since there was a lot of talking and no movement. After I finished recording the convenience store scene: We began to start the scene when Paige and Eva are getting ready for the party. I lead the recording by using a close up angle shot to make sure we can visualized both characters in the scene. Took a couple takes since we thought of different camera angles we could use instead such as: Eye level shot, high angle, and over the shoulder. After that wa

production blog (props)

 For our film, we went as a whole to go to any plaza close by. We found outfits and material we needed to start our film at ross. We went to the dollar store and five below to find the clothes and materials. We had to buy some swim wear for the beach scene. All of us gathered supplies from home that we could be useful. Everybody wore nice clothes for the party scene. There was plenty of props which played a big role in the party scene. My mom allowed us to use our house for the party scene. We bought cups, pingpong balls, a table, etc... Everyone in the group brought friends to make the scene a lot more interesting and real.  I used my speakers that I have at home for the music which was played at the party. One group member brought a fake knife and fake blood for the killing scene. We had to buy some tie up ropes. It took a couple days to gather all the props. Many stores were closed. Paige made sure that everyone had the correct clothing wear. Eva made sure that the fake blood and kn