
Showing posts from February, 2021

title research: silent hill

  What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? During the opening sequences the credits were shown. There was spooking background images as-well. Then the title of the film "Silent Hill" was shown with a dark and mysterious background. There also seems to be someone looking for something/ someone with a flashlight. These scenes were animated and not real life things. What imagines are prioritized in the opening sequence? Making sure the audience is a little startled by the images portrayed. The freighting images and up-pace music kept you on your toes about what the film was going to be about. Also making sure all of the people involved in creating this film were mentioned and prioritized. What connotations do these images carry? These dark and mysterious images are little pieces feeding into the obscurity of the film. Not knowing what it is about, yet seeing all the daunting images.  How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? 

title research: watch the titles website

   This website was very intriguing since all the options you could look into had their own title designs. This site had a lot of different films, TV shows, and video game title designs you could look at and read about. There was quite a few that were extremely good and you could tell how much work was put into them. Reading about the backgrounds of the designs was more interesting than I thought and I feel really prepared my group for the making of our own. There was a whole section of interview's from the popular and award winning title's/ designers. There is also a section called the Student Projects. You can send in your own work and title designs into the student projects section. You can also look into submissions from other students world-wide. The student designs looked legit and just shows you anyone can do it with the time and dedication. I feel like the student section is a really good example for our class to look into since we will be making title designs of our ow

title research: art of the title website

  This website showed a huge variety of different title sequences and the details behind them. You could view the title features about many films from familiar films and non-familiar films. As I researched I realized a lot goes into the making the title panel's. These title's and title designs are the key factor to grabbing the viewers attention. The time and effort put into the title's and designs is worth it and can really make or break the success of what you are portraying to the people. There are whole teams needed to complete these, a few of them are: a creative director and co- founder, graphic designer, motion graphic designer and writer, and design director. The titles aren't just for movies, they are in video games, web series, television, and events and conferences. I feel like researching this site helped a lot since I didn't have much knowledge about this topic. This information is going to help my group while we are creating our title and title designs

genre research: drama & thriller

Drama is another genre me and my group are interested in. The drama genre keeps us entertained. The drama keeps the characters in the dark. But keeps the viewers in the light and brings us, the audience, a world of insight and assurance. Even if we watch a disaster, we believe like we live more deeply through a character's heightened interactions, because not only is time compressed, but action and sense happen concurrently. The common lighting in this genre is low key lighting. The angles in the drama genre consist of wide angle, long shot, close up, extreme close up, two-shot, and over the shoulder. Also seen in this video is the common camera movements. The most common  mis-en-scenes are décor, lighting, costumes and makeup. Overall, we like how the drama genre is more enhanced.  The last genre is thriller. Thriller is very well liked because of the suspense and mystery. Thrillers are dark and engrossing plot driven stories. They can also include comedic elements. The genre thri

Genre research: Horror

In this beginning of the school year we did a media project on genres. We had to pick a certain genre and talk about it. We had to discuss all the elements that commonly occurred in the genre. This included things like characters, situations, settings, props, themes, and events. We had to find the common angles, movements, and sounds in our genre. I chose the horror genre. I chose this because it was the easiest genre to research. I also love watching horror films. The common lighting in this genre is up lighting. The common angles in the horror genre is birds eye/ high angle. As well as close up and tracking. I believe that these angles help make the film more suspenseful. I said that the common movements in this genre were zoom, panning shot, jump cut, handheld camera shot, and tracking shot. I also stated in the power point the elements I liked and disliked. I like the horror genre because its very suspenseful and have you surprised. It makes the film more interesting to watch becau

genre decision blog

  My group members and I decided to do the horror genre for our opening sequence. Not only because it would be easier to film but because its very interesting. I feel like we would enjoy making the film if it was horror. We also filmed a music video together and that music video has similar camera angles and movements like the horror genre. We came to this conclusion as a group. We didn't have any disagreements because most of us like horror films. We also wanted to film something that has suspense. We want to keep the audience on their toes. And we feel like the horror genre is the best genre for that. Horror is also the most popular genre. This is because this genre impacts the audience the most. It also has the most interaction with the audience. The horror genre is also the most talked about genre. Many people debate on horror films and it becomes a world wide topic. We want our film to be like that. We want the audience to be surprised and scared. We want to make our film very

genre research: Get out

  The movie Get Out has many elements that the horror genre composed of. This movie caught our attention because these elements will be used in our final task.  This movie was very intense. This movie kept the audience awake and attached to the movie. We will make sure to have a lot of suspense in our film. We will do this by adding the element of shock. In the movie Get Out, the girlfriends family seemed to be very suspicious and weird. Chris the boyfriend was shown a guy that seemed very familiar to him but remembered that he used to work at a movie theater and one day disappeared, so he tried to take a photo of him and it was with flash, the guy freaked out and started to scream get out multiple times.This scene threw off the audience and allowed them to start attaching pieces and guess what could come next. We will be doing this in our film. We will have someone suspicious in our film to make the audience intrigued. The elements we liked in this film was suspense. This is because i

Title Research: Circle of 8

  -What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? Credits and the movie title are displayed in this opening sequence. The movie is about 8 people trapped in an old hotel and they are being killed off one at a time. So everyone is a potential suspect, everyone is a potential victim.” these were trapped souls – thirteen trapped souls.” so they created a way to display that by creating an image of these trapped souls in animation. -What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The idea of the writhing mass of bodies trying to in the never-ending ether. This creates an image and feeling for the audience of the horror in the movie.  -What connotations do these images carry? Each of the characters depicted referenced a character from the movie. They didn’t look exactly like the actors, which was done on purpose. They wanted them to be the archetypes of the characters.  They are specific to the characters, but also retain that generic look that was typical of those cla

Title Research: 30 Days of Night

  -What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The opening scene starts with the title of the movie then the audience is confronted with a sequence of highly disquieting images that cross-dissolve or fade to black. Credits are also shown as these images are shown with the eerie music in the background. -What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Details of torn and tainted photographs, northern lights, shadows, a bloody tooth embedded in a thick layer of ice, and references to the Alaskan winter cape, this represents the concept of the movie which is a thriller with horror elements about an isolated town in Alaska where the sun sets and doesn’t rise again for thirty consecutive days each year then vampires on a path of destruction ravage the town. -What connotations do these images carry? The burned photos and eerie shattered artifacts slowly reveal the untold horrors the town faced. They also create the eerie image of this horror movie for the audience b

Title Research: 7 Millionaires

  -What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?  While the opening sequence was made to set a glamorous tone for the movie it also left an opportunity to add some credits at the beginning of the movie. After some credits were shown with the animations that showcase the theme/genre of the movie with the board game concept it shows the title of the movie in a glamorous way.  -What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The inspiration came from Cluedo and Monopoly. That's why the creators developed a board game concept for the opening sequence. This creates an image for the audience of the movie they are about the watch.  -What connotations do these images carry? All the golden pawns you can see in the animation represent the personality aspect of the various characters. -How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?  7 Millionaires is a Swedish comedy about a mansion packed with people fighting each other over a huge inheritance

genre research: Emelie

  The movie Emelie has many elements that the horror genre consist of. This movie caught our eye because these elements will be used in our final project. This movie was very suspenseful. This movie kept the audience on their toes the whole time. We will make sure to have a lot of suspense in our film. We will do this by adding the element of surprise. In Emelie, the babysitter was very suspicious and someone was kidnapped in the beginning of the movie. This scene threw off the audience. They also had them surprised. We will be doing this in our film. We will have someone suspicious in our film to make the audience intrigued. The elements we liked in this film was suspense and terror. This is because it made the movie more interesting. In this movie, we didn’t know what was going to happen next. They use dark lighting and sounds to make the movie more scary. That made the movie even better. It made us want to include this into our film. The one element that did not appeal to us was fea

genre research: IT chapter two

  The horror movie IT chapter two has elements of terror and mystery. This movie involves people disappearing, and shows an element of surprise. The elements IT chapter two has that we like are the surprises, mystery, terror and the disappearing characters.This movie was very mysterious. The movie kept the whole audience engaged at all times. These elements are going to be used in our final task because it matches our film. We are going to make sure to add all these elements into our film. The disappearing of characters gathers the audiences attention and allows them to be more engaged in the film. The surprises or scares really manage to give the audience a great reaction towards the movie. The Mystery allows the audience to be woke and led on. It lets them think. The terror lets the audience really feel the movie.These elements are going to fit perfectly for our fill because it will shows lots of suspense and terror. All these elements are going to make everything a lot more fascinat

Starting the final task

 Hi I'm Daniel Shabani-Chatuel, I go to Fort Lauderdale High School i'm 16 years old and i'm a sophomore. The people that I will be working with on the project are Eva, Ella, and Paige. I chose this group because we are all friends and we've known each other for years now. I have actually worked with them on all of our other group projects and we had a great time completing them. We make a great team and we work pretty hard. Each person is creative in they're own way and that's why our group is so significant. Since we are all friends it is easy to go to each other's house to film and plan without feeling uncomfortable. We all stay in touch so it wouldn't be hard to reach one another. I believe we might face a couple challenges but we work great at figuring things out. Everyone mostly agrees on the same things and we don't have much disagreements.  Everyone does they're part when they need too. We help and communicate with each other when one nee

our pitch

First Pitch- This film is more of a mystery genre. A group of girls download an app to start talking to guys because they are all tired of being single. One of them ends up going on a date with a guy they matched with even though her friends said not to because he was giving off weird vibes. After the date, the girl disappeared. Second Pitch- This film is more of an action themed film. There’s a guy who is in need for money, he asks one of his drug dealers for money  so he can supply himself with food and water. The guy would  pay him back later on during the month so he has time to earn the money he owns him. After a couple weeks the drug dealer doesn’t hear from him and the guy doesn’t pick up the calls. The drug dealer finds his house and tries to rob him by breaking in to his home. When he breaks into the guys house he finds the guy and puts him into gun point   and makes him give his money back that he loaned. The guy doesn’t have the money so the drug dealer reloads his gun and